Ins & Outs (aka Insights & Outcomes) provides data-driven strategic and analytical services that help organizations leverage data-driven insights, artificial intelligence, consumer psychology, economics, marketing and critical thinking to achieve and exceed their strategic goals.

Viewed through a wider lens, we believe that harnessing the power of data will have significant economic and societal benefits. By helping our partners build a data-centric culture powered by objective and measurable decision making, we are furthering the paradigm shift necessary for a sustainable future.

More than 90% of the world’s data has been created in last two years, creating opportunities that have never been possible before now. McKinsey projects that data-driven technologies such as artificial intelligence will have a global economic impact of $13 trillion dollars by 2030, with an impact on GDP comparable to other breakthrough technologies such as the steam engine in the 1800s.

Yet only a handful of organizations take advantage of the huge power data-driven insights offer their organization, while the vast majority are left more overwhelmed than informed. As a result, most organizations are missing opportunities to create competitive advantages, improve operational efficiencies, prevent disruption and more.

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We’ll help you recognize data’s potential in your organization by taking a strategic focus to make informed, objective decisions that were previously based on limited information and intuition.

Better decisions can only be achieved if 1) the right data is analyzed (high quality, robust and relevant) and, 2) the right questions are being asked to ensure alignment with strategic goals and objectives. Our process is designed to ensure you’re getting high quality information extracted to specifically answer these key strategic questions.

We know that the devil is in the details, thus we believe it’s critical for our senior team to work closely with our clients, their data and every other aspect of the engagement. This differs greatly from most consultants who send their top people to make the sale, then push the actual work to a team of junior analysts with minimal experience or insight into the nuances of your business and competitive landscape.

For this reason, we choose to limit our engagements to focus on in-depth relationships with carefully vetted client partners to ensure there’s a good mutual fit. If it’s not a good fit or we don’t think we can help you, we’re happy to help guide you in the direction of someone who better aligns with your goals.

Our business has been built exclusively on referrals, and we stand behind our work. If you think your organization could benefit from data-driven decision making and a data-centric culture then please reach out. We’d love to talk with you and see what we can accomplish together.

Best regards,
John-David McKee