Harvard Business Review
8 Things Leaders Do That Make Employees Quit
Even predictive models that can identify the behavioral patterns that reveal who will quit don’t excel at explaining why they do. This is likely because the reasons people quit are deep-rooted and complex. Through my work, I’ve identified eight common leadership mistakes that help explain this why. Understanding them, and how they impact your team, will help you identify those who are at flight risk, and make changes that may convince them to stay.

College & Careers Press
Artificial Intelligence and the Job Search
Artificial intelligence is also being used in the job-search and recruiting process. Applicants who do not understand how AI is being used by employers will be at a disadvantage during the job search.

Viewpoint: 8 Things Managers Do That Make Employees Quit
Even predictive models that can identify the behavioral patterns that reveal who will quit don’t excel at explaining why they do. I’ve identified eight common leadership mistakes that help explain this why. Understanding them, and how they impact your team, will help you to identify those who are a flight risk and make changes that may convince them to stay.

How to Design a Data Project for Your Business
Creating an advanced analytics program begins with asking the right questions; which business problem am I trying to solve and which data points can help me solve it? Making an error in this initial phase is what causes most data projects to fail.

Grow from Acorns + CNBC
How to put together a resume that can get past the robots
The machines you must contend with if you’re looking to get hired are the business intelligence systems employers and recruiters use to find and attract candidates and fill open jobs. Understanding how these programs work may be the key to getting past them and landing your next job interview.

The LeaderLivingLife Podcast
Special Guest Jon Christiansen join Eric, Dan and Nyada
Special Guest Jon Christiansen joins Eric, Dan, and Nyada for a great discussion prompted by Jon’s HBR Article “8 Things Leaders Do That Make Employees Quit” – https://hbr.org/2019/09/8-things-leaders-do-that-make-employees-quit

Automated tools broaden the future scope of data science
Automated data science tools may make their way into the data science process, but are unlikely to ever be able to do everything human data scientists do, experts say.

The Workplace Therapist
The Brandon Smith Show
Top Warning Signs Your Employees Are Ready to Quit
The employee quit rate is on the rise — are your team members on their way out? Listen in! Dr. Jon Christiansen, Sparks Research CIO & Managing Director of Ins & Outs, reveals the top warning signs employees are ready to quit.

Even small businesses can profit from data
Often when small businesses hear the buzzword Big Data they think of large corporations with rich analytics teams. But there’s a vast amount of data that small businesses have within their own organizations that they, too, can harness provided they learn to organize and optimize that data to their advantage, say experts.

Contact Center Pipeline
Leverage Customer Data to Deliver a Personalized Customer Experience
Customers are tired of being treated like numbers. They’re aware of how much of their information and feedback is being collected, and now consumers want the companies they do business with to use that data to provide a more personalized experience.

Fast Company
The secret to rebuilding trust in tech: More emotionally intelligent humans
From my conversations with industry leaders at companies like Dell and data scientists like Jon Christiansen, the main takeaway is that closing the trust gap and ensuring a greater understanding of AI lies in our very humanity.

TrendHunter Business
Repelling Fake News
We had the opportunity to sit down with him to talk about the rise of deepfake technology and how it relates to the spread of fake news, how common signs can be spotted, and what companies can do to ensure that they’re responsibly spreading information.

Fast Company
How to write a resume that will impress a bot
Crafting a resume that will impress artificial intelligence takes a totally different approach than writing for a human hiring manager.

How to Predict Which Employees Will Leave
Increasingly advanced predictive algorithms take into account everything from performance evaluations to conflict avoidance to timely completion.

Big Data & Analysis Tech Brief
The Dangers of Data Without Leadership
Data can help a company create competitive advantages, enhance customer service, improve marketing efforts, and develop efficiencies within the company. Data can also be misused, mishandled and cause expensive and sometimes irrevocable mistakes.

How To Write A Resume That Passes The Artificial Intelligence Test
A question that frequently comes up has to do with the role of artificial intelligence in screening resumes, and how candidates can craft a winning a resume that will pass the bots and the system and get into human hands.

Wall Street Journal Podcast
How to Make Your Resume A.I. Friendly
The use of machine learning and artificial intelligence are game changers in job-seeking. Sparks Research CIO Jon Christiansen explains common mistakes by applicants and how they must simplify their resumes in order to be properly read by A.I. programs and ultimately land on a recruiter’s desk.

Customer Experience Insight
How 7 best-in-class companies win customer loyalty
Customer loyalty is the ticket to business success – and these seven companies have mastered the art of building loyalty.

The Ladders
How to ‘algorithm optimize’ your resume to get past the bots
More and more companies today are using screening algorithms to aid in their recruitment of new hires. AI makes those folks in HR more effective at screening candidates when they spend quality time getting to know what a hiring manager is seeking.

The Justin Brady Show
How Can We Fool Stupid AI Hiring Software?
Recruiters and HR people use hiring software to screen out applications, but I ask a researcher how to fool the systems and get the interview anyway.

Quirk’s Marketing Research Review
Understanding the role of social influence in consumer behavior
In today’s highly social world, it’s harder than ever for researchers to separate and measure the many factors that influence our product choices. One way is to look at the connections that bind us, the author says.

Military Times
A robot reading your resume? 10 tips for vets to beat job screening software.
Companies are more regularly using computer-screening tools to scan resumes and decide which candidates deserve interviews. If your resume doesn’t impress a computer, it might end up in the trash before a human ever sets eyes on it.

The Leadership Quarterly
Informal leadership, interaction, cliques and productive capacity in organizations: A collectivist analysis
This study proposes that dynamically changing organizations can achieve stable productive capacity (or environmentally stable states) by adaptively processing internal and external volatility.

Academy of Management
“Collectivist Analysis of Adaptive Learning, Interaction, and Cliques on Organizational Capacity”
Three dynamics affecting the capacity of an organization to function effectively are proposed: adaptive leadership, or agents actively leading each other to process information; network interaction; and cliques.